Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some adjustment pains

We are having a hard time getting Morgan adjusted to the time difference and to his new environment. Sorry I haven't posted, but the little guy is crying non-stop and sleep is a foreign concept to us all at this point.

Today, I couldn't get him out of the stroller after attempting a walk around the block in the hopes he would stop crying. The walk went great...but the darn latch to the stroller would not release. Having had no sleep and being at the end of my mommy rope I called a neighbor in tears and her husband came over to unhook the poor kid so that I could get him out. Turns out on the Mclaren strollers, you have to push the front and the back of the latch. SHEEEZ. Fortunately my friend's hubby didn't laugh at me crying with a trapped baby. He took it in stride.

Jeremy is back at work today and I am the solo parent. Morgan has his first doctor's appt tomorrow...hoping to find out what to do about the constipation, scratching ears and face...and general adjustment problems.

Yes--future adoptive ain't all roses. There are very hard days when you are getting used to all of the changes.
ok...back to the howling little man.


Unknown said...

Well, think of it this way. Even some new borns have their sleep schedules mixed up and cry all the time. I'm sure the doctor will be able to give you wonderful advice on how to cope and how to fix it. But you will all get there. It's frustrating now, but in a few weeks, you'll all be in a great routine!

Jill said...

I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I remember those days all to well. I felt like I was failing him as a parent. It does get better. HUGE HUGS!

Alix said...

First, I am happy you are all safely home. :) But I am sorry Morgan is having trouble adjusting. I hope the doctor can help you out.

Shannon and Kerri said...

Hang in there! I know how it is to not have any sleep, but just remember this will not last forever. Once you all get adjusted, I know you will be able to enjoy your new little one.

The Baxter Family said...

I'm so glad that you posted this. Right now I am so ready to just get our referral that I'm not thinking past picking up our future little one. We know that there will be many joyous moments, but it's good to know that if there are challenging times, we aren't the only ones to go through them. I hope that your doctor is able to make Morgan feel better; I'll bet that will make a world of difference!

Kristin said...

Welcome home!!!!

I'm so sorry things aren't jiving for little Morgan yet. I agree, though, your pediatrician will probably have some very good advice for you guys.

I can't wait to meet the little man!

Kelli said...

Happy you are home safely. Hope the doctor can help with some issues that will make Morgan's adjustment easier. Hang in there!

Dawn said...

Loved following your blog while you were in Vietnam. Things will get better...really, really they will. Before you know it you will have fallen into the perfect routine for you and Morgan. Hang in there.
AP to Katie

James and Melissa said...

I am happy that you made it home safely. Try to hang in there, I am sure it will get a bit easier by the day. Talk to me when I have 2...that frightens me!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are home safe!
Jen, like everyone said-hang in there! It took us a good 2-3 weeks to "settle in". You will get there, don't try to rush it...just know it WILL come. ;O)


Anonymous said...

This too shall pass--thar was my mantra when we firat came home--thankfully it did!

Glad your neighbor could help you get him out of the stroller.

Have you tried apricot nector? That might help him!