Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Morgan graduated from Speech Therapy today! He has been performing at his current age level for a while, but we finally had the test today from our local Early Childhood Intervention to make it official.

His speech has really progressed. Mr. Bossy says My blanket, My pillow, my cookie...you get the idea! Still, he is combining 2-3 words at a time and you can understand most of it.

Jeremy's mom is here for a visit right now--Morgan has been showing off to his Nana Ellen all day!


dmbdreamgirl08 said...

Congratulations! It is amazing to think of all the milestones he has had this year.

Laura said...

Yay, Morgan! Way to go, little man. I'm so happy to hear he's exactly where he should be. Good job, mama.

Kelli said...

Way to go Morgan!

Laurie said...

WOOHOO!! Congrats Morgan! That's so awesome. It is SLOOOOOOOW going here...still no real words, but Shane's making some progress and seems a little more interested in trying lately.
I am so happy to hear Morgan is all caught up. That must feel great for him and for you guys!

James and Melissa said...

That's great news!! :)